Monday, May 16, 2011


sounds like a good time in school for you

Friday, May 13, 2011

hi this is Ryan Im 15 and love life, its been getting a little rough but i have good friends and family that help me

through everything. I go to ALA school I like to ripstik, and play most sports I injoy the summer and cant wait for

school to be out though I realy dont know what Im going to do over the summer.I do know one thing that i am going to do...... All summer I am going to party and stay up late doing night games every night and sleep in every morning

my family is probably going to montana and of course were all going to go camping like crazy with cousin and friends. so I guess it WILL be a good summer.

when summer is over Im gong to be taking ballroom,drama,weghts,conditioning and every other class I have to take

so I guess Im up for a good school year next year to

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


  • Im sitting down on the chair it is to hard but it help's me sit up

  • yes, I am doing this out of boredom but maybe it could count

  • the only sound I realy here is the song they've come to take me away

  • they've come to take me away they've come to take me away they've come to take me away

  • its a rondom song

  • whose bored out there ?

  • Im bored

  • Im really bored

  • whose reading this ?

  • who wants to ?

  • who is bored like me and is reading this only........Im writing this

  • yes I am doing this on my own

  • no teacher told me to no friend or sibling

  • Im just bored

  • so I did this

  • if you are bored

  • and if you are reading this please please answer

  • write a coment or somthing

  • just out of boredom thing of me

  • Im Bored

  • your bored

  • your reading this

  • there for you would have to be................

  • bored

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Dear lance I hope this makes it to you Im just following your order (to write you)
the familys all good Mollies as stubern as ever Jessica is still planning on being a writer (she is practecly all ready) Andrew is still always on the point of fainting and better less gready and selfish. So not much has changed thats about all I have to say I hope you will write back

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

on the phone
Ryan: hey this is Ryan is shawn there
shawn: this is him
Ryan: hey I was wondering if you want to come ripstik with me over at the pad
shawn: I'm not for shure
Ryan: well can you figure out
shawn: well ya but I would have to ask my mom and we kinda know the answer to that
Ryan: just sneek out
shawn: but I would get in trouble
Ryan: not if you dont get caught
shawn: I probobly will though and then get grounded
Ryan: just tell her and dash out the door
shawn: no I'll just ask her
Ryan: alright, I hope she'll let you
shawn: ya I'll call you back if I can
Ryan: okay talk to you soon,bye
shawn: bye

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Wake up from alarm, sit in bed trying to decide if I should sleep in 6:30
Take shower get dressed eat breakfast(what ever I can find) go too school 7:00-8:00
Rest in car try to rouse myself for school 8:00-9:00
I go to P.E its a lot of fun and allways a hard but fun game 9:00-10:00
Then its science wich I really just go get a bunch of homework (not fun) 10:00-11:00
I then go to art wich is allways a blast! (my favoret is working with clay)11:00-12:00
At this time Im dead tired so lunch is allways the best 12:00-1:00
Next its history a fun class but I dont talk much in that class (not normal) 1:00-2:00
Last class is study hall the best,not only do I have a good time but I can finish all my homework 2:00-3:00
After school I get to drive 45 minits home (its a pain) 3:00-4:00
When I get home I laze around and die from all the school day 4:00-5:00
at this time I go hang around with friends,ripstik and play computer the I go to sleep 5:00-10:00
And thats about it thats all my day
Things you would find on my shelf.

first, my walet
cell phone
two knives
protective glasses (sun glasses)
some junk (random pieces of garbage)
candy (snikers)
a bunch of CDs (too many to name)
some pens
a model chopper (just sits up there)
two boardgames (4 way chess,risk)

ripstick (scrached up a little from failed stunts)
skate board
pull up bar
push up bar

and thats about it

The end