Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Wake up from alarm, sit in bed trying to decide if I should sleep in 6:30
Take shower get dressed eat breakfast(what ever I can find) go too school 7:00-8:00
Rest in car try to rouse myself for school 8:00-9:00
I go to P.E its a lot of fun and allways a hard but fun game 9:00-10:00
Then its science wich I really just go get a bunch of homework (not fun) 10:00-11:00
I then go to art wich is allways a blast! (my favoret is working with clay)11:00-12:00
At this time Im dead tired so lunch is allways the best 12:00-1:00
Next its history a fun class but I dont talk much in that class (not normal) 1:00-2:00
Last class is study hall the best,not only do I have a good time but I can finish all my homework 2:00-3:00
After school I get to drive 45 minits home (its a pain) 3:00-4:00
When I get home I laze around and die from all the school day 4:00-5:00
at this time I go hang around with friends,ripstik and play computer the I go to sleep 5:00-10:00
And thats about it thats all my day

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